It’s time to fire up the “one to watch” klaxon as a new action roguelite has just been announced for PC and consoles. It’s called Realm of Ink and my first impression of this one is tentative excitement.

I’ve had a look through the Steam listing and I’m really intrigued by this one. The game has a really nice art style that immediately draws comparison to Hades. The 2.5D ink painting art style is so effective when done well, and this looks like it’s being done very well indeed.

Realm of Ink is set in a world where its inhabitants don’t fully realise that they’re trapped in a fictional world, living cyclical lives. This prison of sorts is controlled by a mysterious-sounding being called the Book Spirit, and you’ll discover more about them as you play.

The initial playable character, because apparently there’ll be a few, is called Red. I’m going to quote the next bit, cos it sounds delightfully bonkers:

“With the help of the ancient Scriptbound Fox and the immortal power of the mysterious Fox Blood, you will defeat four Bosses to reclaim your own destiny,” and then a bit later:

Everything seems to be destined: the old world will collapse while a new world is forming, and the awakened spirits will be meant to reshape their true selves amidst countless cycles of destruction.”

Realm of Ink release date

The announcement doesn’t give a firm Realm of Ink release date, however, we do know that it’s coming to PC and consoles in 2024.

What is included are a few light details about the game’s four different biomes. We’ll be playing through “verdant Buddhist forests, the frigid enchanted Monkey Kingdom, and the gentle yet terrifying waterland to the ancient and reverent ruins of Mausoleum.”

We’re promised a variety of ways of specialising builds using so-called Ink Gems, which direct you down different martial art schools. Fisticuffs will then be enhanced with “rare magical treasures”. Apparently there are going to be hundreds of them, which sounds vague yet also entirely promising, given the genre.

There’s a trailer which also shows off what looks like the four bosses for each of the different areas, but that’s pure speculation on my part at this stage.

I’ll be keeping an eye on this one and as soon as I can get my hands on the game, I’ll report back my findings.

Update: the developers have announced a closed test for Realm of Ink. Hit the link for more words.

Anyway, I’ll leave you with the trailer. It’s an IGN exclusive and while I hate to embed the content of a direct rival, needs must in this instance.


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